Andreas Windisch

Head of Research Group Intelligent Vision Applications, JOANNEUM RESEARCH

Andreas Windisch is a theoretical particle physicist who received his doctorate ‘sub auspiciis praesidentis’ from the University of Graz in 2014. After five years as a PostDoc at Washington University in St. Louis in the USA (including two years as a Schrödinger Fellow of the Austrian Science Fund), he returned to Austria and is now head of the research group Intelligent Vision Applications at JOANNEUM RESEARCH. Andreas is a board member and Chief Science Officer of the independent think tank “AI Austria” based in Vienna, is Honorary Research Scientist at Washington University in St. Louis, supervises start-ups at the European Space Agency incubator “Science Park Graz”, and teaches AI and Machine Learning at FH JOANNEUM, and currently also Quantum Computing at TU Graz. His research interests and publications cover a broad range of physics and machine learning.


Rise of the Machines: AI’s New Dawn


Over the past ten years we have witnessed remarkable break-throughs in the field of machine learning and deep learning, culminating in the arrival of extremely well performing language models. In this general talk I want to invite you to jointly revisit some of the highlights of this exciting development that led up to the AI models we use today. The goal of the talk is to provide some understanding of the current state of the art and its potential impact on society as a whole. I am looking forward to discussing with you!



Deep reinforcement learning


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